How to Host a Yard Sale for Fun and Profit

One thing nobody ever tells you about having kids is that you're going to accumulate a veritable mountain of stuff. There is literally stuff all over my house - toys, school supplies, old clothes. There is so much stuff that my family barely has room to breathe. So, to remedy this situation, my husband and I decided to host a yard sale.

It was a stressful afternoon, to say the least – especially considering it’s right after the holidays – but thankfully by the end of the day we had cleared out a sizable chunk of our unwanted stuff and we made a decent amount of money for our efforts. I owe the success to the research I did online beforehand. Before we hosted the sale, I read up on how to make a yard sale successful and learned a few great tricks from professional yarders online. Now, I’d like to share them with you.

1)      Advertise. If you want people to buy your stuff, then you need to make sure that they know you’re selling it. For our sale, we went a few steps beyond the tried and true “paper-signs-on-telephone-poles” trick. We advertised our sale in our local paper a week in advance as well as online on Craigslist. All in all, our marketing campaign drew a little more than 100 people to our yard over the course of the day. For a little town like ours, that’s a pretty good number.


2)      Get a Mobile Card Reader. It’s a travesty how few people carry cash these days. To make sure we didn’t lose a sale to lack of tender, my husband suggested we get Mobile Payment by Intuit. The program gives you a little dongle to stick in your smart phone that you can use for accepting credit cards payments. In exchange, the company takes a small cut of every transaction. I was a little reticent at first, but the GoPayments reader ended up being a hit. We processed over $130 in sales that might not have come to fruition otherwise.

3)      Negotiate Fairly but Firmly. You’re not going to get rich by holding a yard sale, but you shouldn’t give your stuff away for free either. Customers will always try to bargain with you to get you to lower the price. Remember that they wouldn’t have approached you if they didn’t already want the item, so be a little rigid with your bargaining.

4)      Display Your Stuff Like a Pro. Nobody wants to sort through a dusty garage for deals. Put your stuff out like a shop inventory in your yard and driveway. Use or rent collapsible tables to display your goods and organize everything categorically to make perusing easier for sale-goers.

Using these tips, you can help ensure that your next yard sale will be a resounding success. As one last tip, contact your local charity or Goodwill before your sale ends to arrange a pickup for all the stuff that is still on your yard. That way, you can end the day with more space and more money in your pocket!

Views: 67

Comment by Darla - The Preschool Toolbox on January 19, 2013 at 2:17pm

Lucy - you have some great tips!  Our family hosts a huge yard sale each summer....a lot of work, but so fun!  


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